This is designed for competitive lifters or people wanting to learn how to safely use the barbell movements in their training. For anyone serious about adding pounds to the bar, learning great technique based on your personal leverages is essential in increasing performance and decreasing the risk of injury. This can be done in person at Showtime Strength & Performance or remotely.

An overview of what to expect from these sessions:

  • Questionnaire/Pre-Video Analysis: Client answers a serious of questions and leaves comments about what is happening during lifts. Can submit up to 5 videos to give us an idea of what we might see.

  • Hands-on Session: This is where Nick can watch how you warm up, approach the bar, and find missing links in performance. We will discover weak areas and demonstrate exercises to eliminate the weakness. This will last anywhere from 60-90 minutes.

  • Follow-up Email: This is an email that will recap what Nick saw in person, exercises to address the technique issues, any mobility exercises needed, and how to implement the tools into your training. *Most people will follow up every 4-6 weeks depending on competition schedule.




Our dedicated trainers are passionate about helping others achieve their goals, offering instruction and encouragement that leads to positive results for everyone.

We believe fitness is life-changing and we want to see others make those positive changes through fitness to achieve their goals.


We want to equip and empower our clients with the knowledge, gameplan, and motivation to make the best possible choices on their fitness journey.

By working closely with each client, it is our goal to help build a healthier community.


Our goal is to help build a healthier community that works together and encourages each other in their journey, no matter what their fitness goal may be.

It’s our mission to make Showtime Strength and Performance more than a gym or a workout. We want it to be a positive, welcoming and impactful experience for everyone.




“One of the nicest and cleanest gyms I’ve ever stepped foot into. Top notch coaches that really know how to better their clients and top notch equipment throughout the entire gym. Plenty of space to spread out and lots of specialty equipment to dial in to your specific needs. Also a super nice turf area for athletic training. I would definitely recommend giving Nick a call and checking this place out!!!”

— Rick Snyder

“I trained with Nick Showman and his staff at Showtime Strength and Performance for the four years that I played college football. No one else in the state prepares you for the college game like he does. He takes a professional and personalized approach to everything he does. Whether it's strength, speed, or conditioning he does it better than anyone.”

— Matt Berg